Our new Ladies only class is coming to Palfrey, Walsall! Train with your daughters, mothers, aunties, and friends in a safe, secure environment.
You will learn the traditional art of Tae Kwon-Do, enabling you to train all through to your black belt whilst being apart of Europe’s martial arts organisation. Have the opportunity to train, grade and compete regionally, nationally and internationally with the TAGB, and the chance to train with some of highest-grade Tae Kwon-Do masters in the world.
In our fitness-based lessons you will learn self defence from experienced instructors, improving your confidence, discipline, focus and control. Feel as sense of achievement while having fun and getting fit. Gain strength, improve your flexibility and work on your co-ordination in a positive environment while making new friends.
We are working alongside One Palfrey Big Local so that we can support YOUR local community.
All our instructors are insured, first aid trained, safeguarding trained and qualified. Walsall Ladies Instructors Lisa Brown and Georgia Elwell are also qualified umpires and referees for the TAGB. This club is recognised by the Safeguarding Code. Part of West Midlands TAGB Tae Kwon-Do, associated with the Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain (TAGB), British Tae Kwon-Do Council (BTC) and Sport England.
Walsall’s NEW ladies only Tae Kwon-Do class starts in September 2021 for ages 10+.
Palfrey Junior School
Dale Street
Every Tuesday 6:30 – 7:30PM
Female Instructors: Lisa Brown (5th Degree Black Belt) & Georgia Elwell (3rd Degree Black Belt)
Book your space today: by calling 07446 393872 or online