Lockdown didn’t keep us down!

Following a strange end to 2020 and unusual first half of 2021, students of Dudley and Oldbury TAGB finally completed their first colour belt grading of this year. It has been a long 9 months since our last colour belt grading, and following strength, determination, and perseverance from our students, over 60 individuals, from all over the West Midlands, stood in front of Grand Master Donnelly to put their Tae Kwon-Do skills to the test.

Standing before a grand master of Tae Kwon-Do, as well as a TAGB committee member and liaison officer is nerve wracking to say the least, and this grading was no different. For some students of Dudley and Oldbury TAGB these nerves doubled, with 5 students completing a double grading!

Double gradings are a new experience and have only been allowed by the TAGB following COVID lockdowns, as gradings did not go ahead online. This allowed students who trained on zoom throughout lockdown to achieve 2 belts on the same day. Not all students had the opportunity to take on a double grading, however for those who did it meant double the movements, double the patterns, and double the theory!

So what about the results?

Instructor World Master Farquharson was proud to announce last week that Dudley and Oldbury clubs received a 100% success rate in the recent colour belt grading, with one member of Oldbury TAGB being awarded Best in Grade from Grand Master Donnelly.

5 students of both Dudley and Oldbury TAGB clubs also managed to pass their double grading with flying colours. Amanda, Finley, Alfie, Marek and Marshall all graded from 9th Kup to 8th Kup (Yellow Belt), then from 8th Kup to 7th Kup to achieve their Green Tag Belt. This is a huge achievement, especially to Amanda, Finley and Marek who all achieved a “+” pass on their double grading.

Oldbury Tae Kwon-Do were also pleased to receive their 2nd Best in Grading Award – this time awarded to Claire Dudley following her phenomenal grading to Yellow Belt. Claire has shown fantastic dedication, perseverance, and integrity in her Tae Kwon-Do journey so far. Training through her journey and returning shortly after the birth of her daughter, Claire always puts 110% effort into her Tae Kwon-Do setting a great example to her children and other beginners in the club. Being recognised by Grand Master Donnelly is such an amazing achievement, all the instructors at Oldbury TAGB club cannot wait to see Claire and her family’s journey.

Everyone of Dudley and Oldbury club did amazing this grading, following the circumstances and we cannot wait to watch your progression and hopefully get back to normality. Full colour belt grading results, Dudley and Oldbury TAGB are as follows:

Lucas: 9th Kup, +Pass
Lola: 8th Kup
Tyler: 8th Kup
Claire: 8th Kup, A pass & Best In Grade
Marek: 7th Kup, +Pass
Marshall: 7th Kup
Alfie: 7th Kup
Finley: 7th Kup, +Pass
Amanda: 7th Kup, +Pass
Amelia: 2nd Kup

Master Farquharson could not be prouder of all his students during this grading. Amelia grading for 2nd Kup is a huge achievement and her perseverance throughout lockdown has paid off! Amelia never missed a Zoom lesson and it shows in her grading. It is great to also be bringing the “Best in Grade” trophy back to the club once again. All of the students across all the clubs work exceptionally hard, but Claire’s motivation and commitment during her pregnancy and while she has a young child is amazing. She is an inspiration to mothers and women out there.

A huge congratulations to everyone who graded from all clubs around the West Midlands area, seeing such high numbers in a grading following lockdown in exciting, the dedication and commitment is extraordinary. Results are being released with individual instructors, keep up to date with all West Midlands TAGB students results on our Facebook Page!