Amelia gets DOUBLE GOLD!

Today was the day of the Scottish TAGB Championships 2019 – and a proud day for West Midlands TAGB Tae Kwon-Do.

Young Amelia Myers from Dudley TAGB traveled up to Scotland with her family to compete in this competition. Amelia, who has currently competed in EVERY competition this year, national and regional, was delighted to achieve Double Gold in Scotland – as part as individual sparring and tag team sparring.

World Master Vince Farquharson, Head Coach of West Midlands Tae Kwon-Do and Amelia’s instructor said “I am very proud of Amelia. She has come so far since she began training, from a young shy girl progressing stronger and stronger every day. Amelia has such a bright future in Tae Kwon-Do and martial arts and we have high hopes for her to win more gold’s in the future. For Amelia to travel to Scotland is fantastic – many students avoid participating in competitions which are as far away as this, however Amelia’s determination and passion shines through.”

Our next competition will be in November at Worcester Arena – British Championships 2019 and West Midlands TAGB Tae Kwon-Do are hoping to take an even larger squad and come away with even more medals.