The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly with respect and that members, non-members and visiting students are not denied access to Tae Kwon-Do because of discriminatory reasons.
Everyone must be treated fairly and sensitively regardless of their gender, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, religion, or political affiliation.
✓ Accept the special role that you have to play in the establishment of standards by setting a good example of behaviour and conduct at all times.
✓ Do not manipulate the rules in order to benefit yourself personally or the club.
✓ Encourage all players and instructors to abide by the rules and spirit of the activity.
✓ Do not use foul, sexist, or racist language.
✓ Use your official position to take action against others who harass abuse or use foul, sexist or racist language towards participants, instructors, officials or volunteers.
✓ Ensure that proper supervision is provided by suitably qualified instructors and officials who are capable of promoting good sporting behaviour and good technical skills.
✓ Ensure that all equipment and facilities meet safety standards.
✓ Respect the rights of other clubs.
✓ Show respect to players, instructors, officials and other volunteers involved in the activity / competition.
✓ Not endeavour to influence the result of an activity / competition by any actions that are not strictly within the rules.
✓ Remember activity is enjoyed for its own sake – play down the importance of awards.
✓ Always have regard for the best interests of the sport, including where publicly expressing an opinion of the sport and any particular aspect of it, including other involved in it.
✓ Resist all illegal or unsporting influences, including banned substances and techniques.
✓ Promote ethical principles.